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Dragons Everywhere or: Here be Wolpertingers

also in Regensburg

  • from 27.12.2009 11:00 to 30.12.2009, open end
  • Kapsel, Balanstrasse 166, Munich

Dragons Everywhere all over the world

In 2009 we want to start an experiment: Allow those unable to attend the Congress in Berlin to celebrate their own Hack Center Experience, watch the streams, participate via twitter or chats, drink Tschunk, cook and have a good time.

If you have other cool ideas how to make the distributed 26c3 the coolest congress ever, just comment on what you can bring, what you'd like to see and what you need from 26c3 Berlin orga.

For a virtual interactive coming together just use the IRC #dragonseverywhere @freenode.

Please add yourself and if you would help somehow so that we can plan how much food and beverages to buy etc.

  • fpletz (orga, cooking, maybe a talk)
  • flop ( maybe “Kinderpunsch + Spekulatius”, crafting blinken things, only during day present)
  • joe (+grandma's cookies, building moodlamps)
  • ssc (workshop: bake cookies and bake yourself)

Which ones? Pick one from the Fahrplan

Who wants to hold some and about what?

  • Occupying your university, lessons learned (fpletz)

Vokue = Volkskueche = People's Kitchen

Ideas for meals:

  • Weisswurst, Brezn, sweet Haendlmaier-Senf and Weissbier
  • Leberkaes, Spiegelei, Semmeln
  • Gulasch
  • Chilli
  • Frying-Action: Pommes, Chicken-Wings, Fried Mars Bars, etc.
  • vegan anyone? 🙂


  • Augustiner (some crates left?)
  • Weissbier
  • Tschunk (rum, limes, brown sugar)
  • Club Mate (Virgin Tschunk on the rocks)
  • dragons_everywhere.1261587485.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/04/18 12:31
  • (external edit)