= Rehosting Basics ---- dataentry asm22workshop ---- Titel : Rehosting Basics Workshopleiter : Rob Wann : Samstag, 12:00-14:00 Wo : Sprachschule 1 Dauer : 2h ---- == Description Rehosting is a technique to dynamically execute an extracted firmware blob. Infamously used by Frankenstein(https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity20/presentation/ruge). Otherwise, this is used to get those 31337 0-Days in firmwares. I intend to cover: -What Rehosting actually entails - Short Intro what rehosting is (including an intro to Unicorn-Engine+Avatar2) - some helpfull hints for your reverse engineering adventures ---- you can get an overview here:https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3433210.3453093 ---- - Some Code-Snippets for getting started with Unicorn-Engine - Experiment:We try to rehost some binary from the Circuit Playground, is not yet properly prepared besides a skeleton - We try to rehost sth. else == Teilnahmevoraussetzungen * Talk language: German/Englisch * Assembly Knowledge * Python Knowledge * have some Decompiler installed (e.G. Ghidra) == bring * Laptop (install unicorn-engine2 and keystone-engine ) * if you have one: Circuit Playground with ARM chip == Material / Unkosten keine == Teilnehmer Max. 10 ^ Nummer ^ Wer ^ | 1 | Hauke | | 2 | Lena | | 3 | sc | | 4 | Christopher | | 5 | | | 6 | | == Resources https://gitlab.muc.ccc.de/rob/rehosting_basics git clone https://gitlab.muc.ccc.de/rob/rehosting_basics.git