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35c3 SDR Challenge

The challenge is over! Thanks to everyone who participated or helped.

OLD info

Register at the score board to see the available challenges.

View live status of all the challenges on the status page.

SDR Closing

The challenge will have an official closing on day 4 / 13:00. All participants/teams are encouraged to be at the assembly at that time. We will reveal / discuss the solutions to the different challenges, and there may even be prizes.

We will try to keep the challenges online till then - some may be online longer but may be going offline at any point after that.

Where are we?

Stop by our assembly (Hall3, K14) to participate - we have seats available.
If you have SDR troubles or questions - ask us and we will try to help
You will have to come close to our Assembly receive the signals…

Check the status page for available challenges.

Bring your SDR equipment to Congress. Anything goes: RTL-SDR or rad1o badge - anything that works with GNURadio.

We have a very limited number of RTL-SDRs left to lend you. Ask us if you forgot to bring your own.

Visit this link and/or the SDR Challenge assembly during congress to participate.

We want to encourage you to play around with radio waves through the use of SDR. If you have never used an SDR before, it's a great chance to get started - it's easier than many people think. In our challenges you will have to decode certain messages in various modulations and read out the challenge flags. In the Bluetooth Low Energy challenges you will have to open various BTLE locks by either applying a known attack or sniffing codes from the air.

There will be a scoreboard to measure your success against other participants with prices for the top players. If this is your first time playing with SDR we will give you a small price if you make it onto the scoreboard at all.

You will need an SDR. We are unfortunately currently out of RTL-SDRs - if you want to participate, you need to bring one or lend it from someone.

You will need a Computer with some SDR software. A good starting point is to have GNURadio, gqrx and Inspectrum installed. Or any other software that you are already familiar with.

You will need some time. The easiest challenges only take a couple of minutes to solve, the hardest will take longer.

We also have some BTLE challenges - for one of these a simple device with BT4.0 interface will be enough. For others you'll need a BTLE sniffer like the one form Adafruit. We will also have a few of those for you available…

You can register already for the CTF on our scores page. There you will be able to get information on the challenges and submit the flags. You can also invite others to join your team and solve the challenges together.
To get the current status of the transmitting devices, visit the status page.

As we will set up the devices during the course of the day, the challenges will become available to solve.

If you're new to SDR, go to this Lecture on day 1:

If you have any questions or need help with one of the challenges, stop by our assembly (precise location to follow)

  • sdr/index.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/04/18 12:35
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