The hardware is based on our so called moodlamp, an Atmega8 based board that supports the RS485 wired bus and can optionally be fitted with an rf-module or an IR receiver. The rows of the installation each represent an RS485 bus segment. They are connected to a master moodlamp which itself is connected to our laptop using a usb-serial converter. The RGB-Leds consume up to 3W each and have to be mounted on a passive cooler. More information on the moodlamp can be found on our wiki

schneider@nihil:/dump/prj/moodlamp/svn/moodlamp-rf/tags/board/0.3$ cat README

                          Moodlamp-rf pcb readme

This directory contains all files needed to build a moodlamp-rf board. Please use eagle in version 5 to view ml-rf.sch and ml-rf.brd

If you don't have eagle installed you can view the board using ml-rf-{brd,sch}.{png,pdf}

Please view the schematic to see which parts you have to put on the board. Different options are grouped together.
The file bom-grouped contains the list of parts used to build your moodlamp.

Special Notes:
R23 changed its name to L1.

Parts not populated or replaced:
Some parts are not populated and some have been replaced by solder bridges:

Parts not populated:                    R13, R14, R15
Parts replaced by a solder bridge:      L1, R10, R11, R12, R16, R17, R18

The 3V regulater is usually not populated. These parts are probably not included in your kit.

Parts not populated: C6, C7, C8, C9, C10, IC3
Solderbridge to short out: SJ1

Please refer to for more information about building a moodlamp.

For an introduction to SMD soldering visit
  • en/moodlamp/moodlamp_30.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/04/18 12:35
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